Enjoy Gower
2022 Promotion
Our visitor guide to Gower was first published over 15 years ago and is continually being developed to maximise search engine optimisation and overall improved user performance. As a result, visitor numbers are doubling each year with significantly more interest in Spring and Autumn. In terms of success, enjoygower.com is Google ranked in the top 5 results for the keyword ‘Gower’ and is about to exceed 50,000 annual visitors.
These results in terms of advertising and marketing clearly indicate that enjoygower.com can support local businesses to bounce back in 2022. We have taken the decision that now is the right time to approach new customers and invite businesses like yourselves to advertise with enjoygower.com.
2021 Monthly Visitor Figures for enjoygower.com
Promotional Offer
Enjoygower will provide your accommodation business with an individual promotional page plus a general accommodation listing. Your page can include, Images, Videos and a link to your website or Airbnb landing page. We will provide a location map. There is an initial setup fee is £45.00, but this is refundable, if for whatever reason you are not satisfied with the service at the end of the trial period. (April 30th, 2022).
We hope that you will be more than satisfied with our services and wish to continue. The standard subscription is £15.00 per month and this can be cancelled by you at any time.
We hope that this offer is of interest and look forward to hearing from you.
Chris Jones
MSc MultiMedia,
MCIM, Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing
Mobile: 07540726114
Terms and Conditions
The advertising trial period is up until 30th April 2022. Participating businesses will agree to provide a backlink from their main website or Airbnb listing to enjoygower.com.